Saturday, August 20, 2011

Cedar Point

So we were at Cedar Point today and it was great! I'll post some pictures so that you can see.. ME :)

This is before we went on a water splash thingy :)
Host mom Kelly, sisters Kaylee, Kyrsten and I.

 And this is after..... but just as happy as before :D
Kyrsten, me and Kaylee :)

Here in america, there are shops for EVERYONE. Literally :)

Snowcones with Cherry and... I forgot :) It was so big that even Kyrsten and I didn't finnish it together, but it kinda exploded and went all over our legs so... yah, weird snowcones :)

For other pictures of me at Cedar Point, just check out my Facebook!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Woah! I totally know U!!! ha, see if u can figure out who i am swede ;)...
